My First Solo Ride

Its only when you are lost, you find yourself! - Anon Prologue: I'm finally posting this which had been a draft these days. T...

Its only when you are lost, you find yourself! - Anon


I'm finally posting this which had been a draft these days. Thanks to my level of procrastination!! This is about a trip I managed to pull off in the month of August last year. Had many other trips before and after this one also. All queued.! I'll be writing more soon.

The Story :

As it always had with me, I always make the plan. But always turns to a flop show. This time it started with a plan to visit Coorg with a bunch of friends who all work at the same place. A few days before the “D day”, me and some of my friends sat down in front of a laptop and started sketching the plan for the trip. We had it all planned; every bit of it. We had decided on the route we would take, the places we would stay at, even we had checked out all the good resorts/lodges for the stay. It was all perfect until people started backing out because of some reasons. And suddenly everybody was out of it and had made other plans except for me. I was very much frustrated or you can say had too much on myself. I needed to be off the grid for some time.

            I’ve always been crazy about bikes and road trips. So I saw it as an opportunity for one. That too solo! Whoa!! I was so excited.

As I had graduated from SJCE, Mysore, I had some friends in the city. I called up my friend Santu the night before the journey and said I was coming to Mysore. He was all welcome.

Route Map:

View Bangalore To Coorg via Mysore in a larger map

Day 1: Set Sail.

 Bangalore – Mandya – Ranganthittu – Mysore – Shivanasamudra - Mysore (350 km approx)

I had the route from my place to Mysore highway sketched out on a piece of paper the night before. I got up early that day and left Bangalore at 06.15 sharp in the morning.

Me leaving home!
 I hit the Mysore highway at around 07.00am.
Mysore, I'm coming!

Bangalore-Mysore highway is one of the best roads. This is a very busy route at any time of the day and any day of the year. There is no stopping you on the highway, except for some villages on the way, where you might have to slow down.

I rode for another half an hour through the busy road. I was hungry. Just before Bidadi, I saw a hotel and stopped for breakfast. Later I got to know that it was very popular those days. I had a Thatte Idli and Vada.
Delicious Thatte Idlis!
The food quality is very good. And is not too costly compared to other hotels on the highways. Now I was also fuelled! Ready to hit the road again!

You can see the Ramnagar hills from the highway, where the blockbuster Sholay was shot.
Kitne Aadmi The?
My max speed went up to 115kmph on that highway. (Well, I don't have a pic for that. But managed to get this one. )  And in no time, I had crossed Maddur, Mandya and I was near Mysore. 

On the Run!
I saw a board that read 3kms to Ranganthittu, a bird sanctuary. In spite of being in Mysore for the past 4 years, I had never been able to visit the place. Now was the time. I took a little detour. A diversion to the right, then a road on the slight left leads you to Ranganthittu. The road is not so good. It was just a 3km stretch. So it didn’t matter anyway.

On the way I encountered a railway crossing. Had to wait there for 10 minutes for the train to pass. Being in a city (Mysore) which is 700-750 kms from hometown, Train is the best means of transport. I have traveled most of my journeys by train. I used to see the crossing from inside the train. But this time I was waiting.
One of few times when I'm at the waiting end!
Ranganthittu Main Gate
The Greenery
There is an entry check post at the sanctuary. They charge 50 rupees for the bike which I thought was a bit too high. Anyway, I entered.

Ranganthittu is a decent place with all the garden and lots of coconut trees. As for the birds, it was a bit of disappointment for me, as I expected lots of different species of birds. 
The Check Post.

All I saw was information boards of different birds and a few of these birds finally. And the time I was there boating was stopped for some unknown reasons. I could see these boats.
Show Boats!
I reached my friend’s room at Mysore around 10 o clock. Now I had the company. We all agreed to visit Shivanasamudra for the day. Its about 2 to 2.30 hrs ride from Mysore. (There is another route if you are going to Shivanasamudram from Bangalore; via Maddur, which will save you about 60-70 kms.) 

Shivanasamudra is known for its twin waterfalls- Gaganchukki and Bharachukki. The road to the place is good, with almost no potholes. We stopped on a bridge for some break and pics as well.

Snap time!
The time we visited Shivanasamudra was a peak time. It was a holiday, and the falls was gushing due to heavy rains earlier that week. Thus the jam. We could see more than 50 four wheelers on either side of the bridge very near to Gaganchukki. We were lucky, we smuggled between the teeny-tiny gaps.

At the entrance to the falls, they issue an entry pass for Rs.10. A viewpoint has been built to savour the beauty of nature. Finally the falls. Whoa!!

Gaganachukki Falls.

Different Angle :p
The other twin falls Bharachukki is on the other side. Since we were late we just watched it from the farther end.

Bharachukki Falls
We left Shivansamudra by 6.30pm and reached Mysore by 9.30 after stopping for an hour on the bridge just for timepass!

Some bridge on the way back.
After dinner I went to bed straightaway as I had to leave early the next day.

Day 2: The Solo Ride Begins.

Mysore—Hunsur—Bailukuppe—Kushalnagara—Kaveri Nisargadham—Harangi Dam—Raja Seat—Abbi falls—Kushalnagar—Mysore. (300km approx)

Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.
-Dag Hammarskjold 

All set for the Ride!
I got up a bit late today. It was 9am when I finally took off the bed. Not the earliest of times to wake up when you are on a trip. I was getting restless. I was ready by 10. 

This was the most happening day. Visited 5 places this day. I had in mind the places to visit.  But there was no time factor included! It was an extempore!!


I ate my breakfast at Aklu mess near Premiere Studio (Mysore). It serves the best Aloo Parota in Mysore according to me. I've eaten this at the same place all my 4 years during my graduation and it tastes better every time. Now I was actually ready for the ride.

It was 10.30am when I hit the State Highway towards Hunsur. The weather was good and it was expected to rain. I was all ready with my jerkin. The clothes were packed and kept inside a plastic bag to protect from rain.

The road to Kushalnagar is nice. No potholes. The scenery is very nice. I saw people with DSLRs stopping on the way to take snaps. I had to manage with the digicam I had.

I also took one :p

I wish I had a DSLR!


Bailukuppe is about 3 kms from the highway. Those roads were good too. There is a Tibetian camp and also the beautiful Golden temple. It was 12 noon when I reached Bailukuppe. Again the scenery is very good. I enjoyed riding in such weather! I was alone. It was a great experience overall.
They say, a picture speaks thousand words. Let the pictures do the talking here.

One of the camps.

The outside of Golden Temple

Beautiful paintings on the temple walls.

I left Bailukuppe by 12.40pm and reached Kaveri Nisargadham around 1pm. Nisargadham is a cool place to visit. The hanging bridge over the river leads you to the inside.

The entrance to Kaveri Nisargadham!

Shallow waters of Kaveri !

So many deers. People were even feeding them with the food available there.

So many deers!


I had some snacks there and left for Harangi Dam. It was 1.30pm. After a ride for about half an hour, I was at Harangi Dam.

Harangi Dam. Also my Pulsar! 


Water gushing through a canal.

A garden was being made, when I visited. It would have been ready by now.

Unfinished Task!

It was 2.30pm. I had to visit Raja Seat next, as planned. On the way, it started drizzling! Wow, Perfect I thought! The road is nice with good curves, you would definitely love the ride there if you are a biker. That too when it’s raining!! Ah, loved to bend the bike at the curves, with a substantial amount of risk of bike getting skid because of wet roads.

The damaged road on the way to Raja Seat! Only the LMVs and motorcycles were allowed on the road.

Everything is broke. All beautifully imperfect!!

I didn’t get to see the sun anywhere on this route. What a lovely ride!

Absolute Tranquility!

I was alone all the time. With no one to talk to me, except for my inner voice! I felt the freedom of being all by myself. The silent wet roads, with some occasional traffic, and you silently talking to yourself. I wish I could travel those roads forever, I wish I could go to where ever the road led me to. I wish!!

View near Raja Seat!

Few hundred meters ahead I refueled my bike. Now it got me thinking as to stay here in Coorg for the night and leave for Bangalore the next morning, or to wrap it up for the day and head back to Mysore!  Nonetheless, I still had lot of time left. So, I pushed that thought aside for now.

Raja Seat :


The Sculpture!

"This small square mantapa with a commanding view of the cliffs and valleys to the west is an attractive spot for lovers of Nature. Here one can sit and enjoy the glorious scene of sunrise and sunset as the Raja and his consorts did in the past. Hence the name Raja Seat." 
Beautiful :)

What a view!! Awesome :)

The ViewPoint!
I could see the road I travelled.

The trail left behind!

The fields!!

Now my wristwatch showed 4.00. I had one more place in mind. Abbi falls. But before that I got myself charged with a cup of hot coffee!

I was finally set to leave for Abbi. It was raining heavily now. (I wish I had a pic here) I had no intention to fall back. After all, I had traveled so much. I couldn’t afford to miss it. I went for it! It was an amazing experience riding in such heavy rains. The road is pretty good. After a few minutes' ride, I could feel the breeze of fog over my face!. (Not sure if they were clouds.) I could hardly see a few feet ahead of me. I can’t exactly put it down in words here. But it was amazing!! One must experience it.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t take out the camera while on the ride. After an amazing ride of about half an hour, I reached Abbi Falls parking area. It was so crowded that day. There was hardly any space left for parking. And numerous vehicles were still rushing in. I managed to find some place for parking and started towards the Falls. I could hear the roar of the falls.

Spectacular!! You can see the hanging bridge in place.

Wow !!

Some guy took this pic for me!

So close!

Check out this video!.

Me on the hanging bridge

After spending an hour here after a lot of dilemma, I decided to ride back to Mysore for the day. A brave decision I must say.

This is in the middle of nowhere after a ride of about an hour from Abbi falls.

In the middle of nowhere!

I had to ride through the jungles. The civilians said there is a risk of elephants. I had to hurry to make my ground. I could really feel my heartbeats then. I had to be cautious, keep eyes on the road. And the most important thing –not to panic. Of course I felt the fear. Who doesn't. But it is all about overcoming your fears. Isn't it?

I had to ride fast and also keep the cool. But I couldn’t resist going past this without stopping for a while.

What was on the other side I wonder!

All the people you see in the pic above had four wheelers. There were only two bikes parked by the side of the road –mine and some other guys. Those guys took this pic for me and left.

The ride from Raja Seat to Abbi and on the way back was truly spectacular. This was the best part of the ride, and obviously the best part of the day.

  I felt free. Free as a bird. (At least if birds too were!!) Being alone teaches you many things. Best thing you can learn is about yourself. You will realize who you really are.! Yes I did. I felt quite better.

I reached Mysore at 10.00pm and stayed there for the night.

Day 3: Back to Shore.

Mysore – Bangalore (140kms approx)

Left Mysore at 11.00am. No much activity this day. Just a simple plain ride. Reached Bangalore before 2pm. Thus comes to an end, an awesome bike trip; My First Solo Ride.

Will be back with one more post soon. Keep watching. Keep travelling!! And remember always,
“It’s only when you are lost, you find yourself. “

PS. Any comments and suggestions are welcome!!


  1. Buy this: or come up with the cheapest jugaad camera mount. Record your expressions while riding.

  2. Wow...Solo bike trip wonderful.Basically I'm a car guy...but this blog made me think otherwise.May the highway lord bless you with more road trips.

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Little Detours: My First Solo Ride
My First Solo Ride
Little Detours
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